Special Olympics Nebraska approached us with the task of coming up with a theme and design for the 2013-14 Polar Plunge collateral promoting the event. The goal was to attract participants to plunge into the frigid waters, as proceeds went to support the Special Olympics.

This is one in a series of annual posters that have consistently utilized unique visual concepts to highlight the bone-chilling fundraiser. 

The Special Olympics Nebraska committee was very pleased with the poster — and even more excited by the extra revenue generated by additional branded giveaway items such as collectible towels, hoodies, and shirts.

AIGA SHOW Nebraska 2014 - Silver
Creative Director: Sean Faden, Carter Weitz,  Designer: Brandon Oltman, Digital Artist: Nino Kapetanovic, Account Executive: Emily Chinowth, Retoucher: Joe McDermott, Production Manager: Gayle Adams, Printer: Barnhart Press Photographer: David Radler Model: Nolan Gauthier Logo: James Strange

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